Q.No 1 What is the output of follwing Python functions after running

Python function output
Python function output 1

Q No. 2What is the output of follwing Python functions after running

Python function output

Q.No 3 Read the code and answers the questions given below.

Python function output 3
  1. What is the output of above code.
  2. identify the local and global variables.
  3. identify and write function call statement and function header statement from above code.
  4. write above function is fruitful or non-fruitful

Q.No 4 What is function ? what is the significance of functions in a program ?

Q.No 5 Define a simple python function named Sum_of_two() which takes two parameters and return sum of both. Write main portion which call function Sum_of_two passing suitable arguments entered at runtime.

Q No 6 Write a function defination same as Q.No 5 Sum_of_two() but in this you make void type function which prints sum of two numbers . Write main portion which call function Sum_of_two passing suitable arguments at runtime.

Q.No 7 What are actual parameters and formal parameters with proper example.

Q No 8 Three types of parameters supported by python . Write note on each type with example.

Q.No 9 What are void and non-void function of python with example.

Q.No 10 Can python function returns multiple values ? if yes , Write code which returns sum , subtraction and multiplication of two numbers.

One thought on “Python Function Assignment”
  1. Thanks Sir ji…..
    Very helpful for study…..
    So nice of you Sir ji…..
    Thanks so much Sir…..

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